A happy memory for veteran's day 2015
A Luke's Wings throwback thursday: SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 
Operation Turbo informational video: SEPTEMBER 3, 2014
Operation Turbo received this message from a group that recieved boxes from us this week. Thought we would share with you to show what a difference your contributions are making. 

"After 5 hours of driving to and from our headquarters location in a combat zone to pick up supplies and mail, I handed out individually packaged mail to each member of my team. The response was "wait a package is mailed specifically to me?". I got to watch them open their package with a big smile on their face. Some were receiving the first package after 5 months of being here. I can only describe the event as what it looks like to watch a little kid open a Christmas present. Happy and so excited. To the men and women of Operation Turbo, especially Dyan and Jeff, what you do for people like us is amazing. It makes us feel like people actually care about what we are doing and that we are not forgotten. From the members of ODA 3232 of 3rd Special Forces Group, we thank you!"
What your donations do for our service members: NOVEMBER 4, 2014  

Operation Turbo is proud to be a part of Amazon Smile. Every time someone makes a purchase using Operation Turbo's Amazon Smile affiliation, a donation will be made to Operation Turbo by Amazon. Just shop for items like you normally would, but start your shopping at amazon.smile.com and help our great cause by supporting our deployed Sailors and Marines!

A few weeks ago our founder, Dyan, had the opportunity to go and volunteer with Luke's Wings, an organization dedicated to providing transportation to the families of our nation's wounded service members. She has always had a deep affinity for them because of their constant support and guidance throughout the past few years. Operation Turbo would not be where we are today and would not be in a place to prepare for the exciting things in the coming year were it not for their generous spirit and wise counsel. Operation Turbo is excited to continue to support Luke's Wings and hopes you will too!

Operation Turbo Celebrates veteran's Day
abc 7 WJLA in washington dc covers operation turbo
OPERATION TURBO generates support at the virginia house of delegates
Operation Turbo Recognized by Northern virginia magazine

We invite you to watch Olivia's video.  May is Military Appreciation Month and twelve-year-old Olivia wanted to make sure our deployed men and women knew she and her community cared about all they do for our country.  Our team is lucky that Olivia chose to donate the notes of gratitude to Operation Turbo.  We appreciate her hard work and support!

In March, Operation Turbo went to Richmond to garner support for our "Boxes of Home" and the men and women who receive them. We were able to help gain exposure and support for our cause from some of Virginia's greatest public servants. Please share this video so we can continue to grow our OT family!

this is why we do this: a note of thanks from a grateful sailor
We thought you would enjoy a reading about a happy memory from one of our supporters. Thank you for sharing Lisa! Happy Veteran's Day to all of our nation's finest.

Here is a picture I thought you might like to see. It is one of my most precious treasures. It's my dad during his time in the Navy. Yes, that's Marilyn Monroe with him. He met her when she and her new husband, Joe DiMaggio, went on a honeymoon/ troop entertainment trip shortly after they were married in Jan.1954. My dad was a flight engineer. Joe wanted to have a turn to go up with guys in their plane, so my dad let him ride in his jump seat. While they were flying, my dad stayed behind and played cards (Acey Duecy) and talked with Marilyn and a couple of other guys in their radio room. She is actually sitting on his lap in the picture. And as he told the story~ he even got a kiss on the cheek. : ) When the photographer had the pic developed, he wasn't happy with it. He had to hold his camera up or something to take the pic and it was a little crooked. He cut the image out and remounted it which explains why the background is black. I think my dad was all of 20 yrs. old at the time. He enlisted in the Navy at 17 when he graduated high school. Apparently he wasn't willing to wait a couple of months to turn 18

serving all branches: OCTOBER 17, 2014  
This week Operation Turbo sent off packages to a group of Army soldiers deployed overseas. Having done that, we thought that it would be a great opportunity to answer a frequently asked question. Does our organization only support Sailors and Marines? The answer is absolutely not. While we focus our work on Sailors and Marines because of a genuine need we wanted to fill, it is our goal to support all service members deployed in service to our country. In fact, one of our long-term tenants of growth is focused around the expansion into support of other branches. We encourage you to continue to share our page and sign up your loved ones to receive our boxes of home—regardless of their branch of service. 

​​Here is a behind the scenes look at ABC7's segment on Operation Turbo. Dyan had a great time on the shoot and it's helping us expand our message! Check it out again and share it with friends!​ http://wjla.com/features/abc7-salutes/abc7-salutes-boxes-of-love

Operation Turbo had a great Veteran's Day! We were lucky enough to participate in the Metro Run 11/11 11K Race. The weather cooperated and all participants were able to enjoy a warm day with the sun shining. 
We were very excited to help raise awareness by setting up an Operation Turbo table at the event where we had the opportunity to talk with many of the runners-- active and retired U.S. military personnel-- and their families who were there cheering them on! Participants wrote notes of thanks to send in our “Boxes of Home”, made donations, and joined our growing list of volunteers.
OT welcomes these opportunities to raise awareness, interact with the community, and connect with positive people who help us spread our mission. 
Sometimes it is good to stop and remember why we do this. We received this note from a grateful sailor and felt that it was a good reminder of why it's so important we continue to send our "Boxes of Home" to our deployed military. There is no substitute for home, but knowing people are supporting you from abroad makes it a little bit easier for these dedicated men and women. 

Your continued support allows us to continue sending out boxes and raising awareness for all of our deployed men and women abroad. Thank you!

​Pick up your copy of Northern Virginia Magazine! Operation Turbo is excited and proud to have been featured as one of their Persons of the Year. We encourage you to read and share with friends and family to help spread the word about Operation Turbo and our mission to ensure all of our deployed service men and women get a "Box of Home." 
